The duck flower detox is a Jamaican traditional medicinal herb made from the blossom of a tropical plant botanically referred to as Aristolochia Grandiflora (Flor De Pato), and it is also called Pelican Flower. It got the name because the blossom resembles the form of a duck. It is an organic wild-crafted alkaline herb that contains a good deal of health benefits.
Should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Should not be taken by chidren,
Will cause vomitting and diarrhea for up to 8 hrs.
Stay home. Take after a light breakfast of raw fruit and water/tea.
Drink coconut water during the day.
After detoxing, eat salads, fruits for the rest of the day.
The benefits of consuming a freshly picked Duck Flower.
Detoxification: Helps rid the body of harmful toxins and restore normal functioning.
Antioxidant properties: Contains anthocyanin, a powerful antioxidant.
Digestive health: Aids with issues like constipation, bloating, and stomach cramps.
Weight loss: Stimulates weight loss and regulates heartbeat.
Menstrual health: Induces menstruation and helps with menstrual pains.
Hangover relief: Useful for healing hangovers, colds, and flu.